From Inside The Computer, To Outside The Computer!
Oh MAN, am I behind! Pam & Linus came to visit a couple of weeks ago and I STILL haven't posted the update until now.
Pam has been one of my "friends in the computer" since we were both pregnant with triplets at the same time. She was one of the ones "concurrently gestating" (that was for you Julie!) with me. Actually, it was Pam, Joy and I (a few others too!) who were basically neck and neck with our triplet pregnancies (Karen and Christy, you were a little ahead of us!). It was so nice to have other women experiencing triplet pregnancy at the same time and having some of the same issues. Well...some of the same issues. Pam didn't ever really blog about her boobs or her stretch marks or pooping issues. Nor did she ever LOSE HER CRAP on the internet. I will take credit for being the ONLY one to have gone that far into the realm of TMI. I am sure I have made my parents uncomfortable proud with all the talk about my butt and emotional instability.
Anywho, Pam e-mailed me a few months ago saying that she'd be visitng her brother who lives a mere 10 minutes from my house! I was so excited to actually meet in person!
You might remember, I met another fellow triplet mama, Tammie, and her gorgeous triplets - two boys and a girl...just like mine! It was so great to build that relationship, especially since Tammie isn't too far away. Since then, we have hooked up a couple times and she has taken some fantastic photos of our babies (here and here)!
Although Pam doesn't live close to us (She lives in Louisiana with her husband George and their identical triplet boys Linus, Miles and Oliver - born only a week before mine!), its so great that she has family close to us. It allowed us a great opportunity to get together!
She came with Linus and my babies LOVED him. I loved him too. He is SO sweet and squishy and handsome. What a sweet boy :) It was so stinking cute to see them all play together. I really enjoyed watching mine interact with another baby their age. Brian and I really enjoyed talking with Pam too, although it was kinda funny because part of me was like, "WHOAH, you're REAL! I already know you even though we've never actually met in person!" Its so great that friends in the computer can become friends outside the computer. What would we do without the internet???
We tried to get shots of everyone looking at the camera at the same time...good luck. Here we are in the playroom:Before Pam & Linus left, we put them all in the pack-n-play in the living room (30lb weight limit...P'SHA!) in front of Yo Gabba Gabba....holy crap, have you SEEN that show? What a trip. And NO, I don't normally put them that close to the TV.
More futile attempts at getting everyone to look at the camera...
Oh well...Close enough!
It was really such an awesome thing to connect with another triplet mom that really knew so much about us already. I felt so comfortable, like we'd known each other for years!
I look forward to Pam's next visit. Who know's...maybe she'll bring all three next time? :)
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