Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Puke, Poop And A Surprise!

Puke, Poop And A Surprise!

Its been quite a busy past couple of days. Aside from the hormone hell I've been trying to navigate, I also had a pretty rough day yesterday. Yesterday afternoon, I left the playroom to go deal with babygirl's diaper. I came back to an unmistakable smell. The boys had VOMITED and were COVERED in their own mess. There were three steaming piles of puke on the floor. AND there was puke on the wall, on the gate, and basically everywhere else their little fingers decided to venture. I was mortified and they were screaming.

I took a deep breath and shuttled Alexis to her crib. I put the boys in the tub and gave them baths while Zachary screamed non-stop. I plopped each clean boy in their cribs to wait while I went back to the playroom to deal with the mess - everyone was screaming. I realized that it was going to be a way bigger job than I had initially thought, so I just decided to start their nap early and spend their entire nap cleaning the puke. I was biting back tears and so disappointed and frustrated. EVERYTHING stunk. After scooping up the bulk of it and scrubbing scrubbing scrubbing, everything was still smelly because they touched EVERYTHING with their chubby puke covered fingers. I was sniffing around on my hands and knees. It was a minefield. I cursed the fact that I didn't fight Brian harder on the carpet/no carpet issue for the playroom and continued to scrub. The tears finally fell.

I was nowhere near done cleaning up the mess, but naptime was over and they were anxious so I went to get them. I almost died when I saw Alexis with her diaper off, COVERED in poop. Apparently she had pooped and didn't want to wait for me. So she took off her own poopy diaper and threw it into the corner of the crib.


Poop on the crib slats, poop on her FACE, poop on her blankets. POOP POOP POOP. So my house now smells like vomit AND crap. I bathed her, put her in one of the boy's cribs and cleaned the poopy mess.

By this time the babies were TICKED OFF. SOOOOO impatient and done waiting for me. They were done being holed up in their cribs. They wanted to run around. I wanted to disappear, stop time, take a breath...or at least press 'mute' so I wouldn't have to hear the crying/whining/fussing anymore.

And then Brian texted me saying that he was running late. I closed my eyes and felt more tears burning through. I wanted to scream. ENOUGH ALREADY!

I was sweaty and pukey overwhelmed. I somehow needed to get everything cleaned up, feed them dinner, shower and be out the door within an hour to make it to the first night of my women's bible study. It was like everything was working against me!

I somehow got them cleaned up and started with their dinner. Brian came home as they were munching and I was putting clean linens on Alexis's crib. He finished their dinner and I quickly showered and made it out the door. I was fifteen minutes late, which was not bad all things considered.

Brian put them to bed while I was at bible study and then continued the puke cleanup, bless his heart. I think we got it all, although we're still gonna rent a cleaning machine this weekend to be sure.

Bla bla bla, you didn't need all those details but I needed to type them. My house doesn't smell like puke anymore.

Having three TODDLERS is fun but - WOW - I have never been so busy and exhausted. Beside the fact that they never stop moving, they also almost never stop making noise. And the puke? Its real puke now. No more 'spit-up'. Its THROW UP.

As challenging as it is, it truly is mostly fun. They are at such a fun and expressive age. They say words and sign things like "all done" and they actually know what I am saying when I tell them what to do. They're little people. *SIGH*

They were officially done with bottles one week ago. I actually threw them in the trash the minute I put them to bed, I was so excited. I know I had mentioned that I was going to give them another week but I ran out of drop-ins and I figured there was no use in buying another box just for a few days. So it was decided for us! And to my surprise, it was completely a non-issue for them. To think I was so worried!

I've still got to give you an update from their two doctor's appointments last week. My babies have grown so much and are doing so well! I'll get that post out by the weekend.

OK, now onto the surprise I mentioned and the only reason the grandparents come here...PICTURES!

Fellow triplet mama and photographer, Tammie, recently asked me if she could come by and take some shots of our trio since she was going to be in our area doing an engagement shoot for our friend Jessica. I was SO EXCITED to have her come and take some cute shots of the babies! She came over on Saturday and we had a great time trying to get the babies to sit still long enough to look at the camera. Tammie is amazing because she somehow took the total chaos of three babies running around, and turned it into the most amazing photos. LOOK at my pretty babies!!!







Can you BUH-LIEVE how AWESOME these photos are??? I was so blown away and totally giddy when she sent them. Here's the link to the sneak preview set!

Maybe next time Tammie comes over I'll actually be able to be a good hostess to her and sit down for a meal or something fun! SOON!

Thanks so much Tammie for your amazing work! These photos are priceless and I look forward to seeing you for more fun in the future!

P.S. Thanks everyone for your de-lurking comments! My intention is to respond to those who left me an e-mail address, as well as respond to the e-mails I received regarding the sleep training post. It may take a while so thanks for your patience!