Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Roll Call

My brain is a bubbling stew and I am already frustrated and tired and its only Monday night. Actually its Tuesday since its after midnight. Which means I am FOUR minutes late to feed the babies. But I just need to sit down for a minute. I haven't even finished everything I wanted to get done tonight. I feel like I have been NON-STOP since this morning and my head is wound up so tight that if I let go...I will spin uncontrollably throughout the house.

Maybe just what I need.

And tomorrow we've got a pediatrician appointment with SHOTS (UGH) and a visit to the NICU so I have to get ready for that. Mentally.

Anyhow, I've got lots of stuff that is burning through my brain that need to get done. Like thank you cards. That's right, I have yet to send out the thank you cards for our baby gifts. Go ahead...Tsk tsk. I've been a little busy.
And there are lots of posts I want to write - about my weekend, still need to post about the move, the birth, MY SHOWER IN NOVEMBER (No, I haven't forgotten), The NICU, sleep...and its already time to do the FIVE MONTH POST.

I cannot even believe this. My babies will be FIVE MONTHS OLD. I could just cry. But I WON'T start that crap because, REALLY? I don't need to add crying to my list of why I can't sleep.

So, because I have no time/energy to really delve into all my stuff right now, I'll let you tell me about you. That's right...I'm doing a roll call. I want you to de-lurk and tell me...who are you? Why do you come here? Do you know me in real life? I am very curious. I see the site meter and I know that there are many more that visit than comment or e-mail me. Don't worry, you're safe to stay in lurker land but for this one, why don't you leave me a comment? If you don't want to answer my questions then just at least say SOMETHING. Do it for me.

Do it for my mental health.