Friday, May 2, 2008

RSV is almost over!

Though its coming to a close, I realized that many people still don't know what it is.
Here is some info:

Preemie Care's RSV FAQ page

RSV's info

Synagis website RSV info

The CDC's RSV tracking system

Jen did a good post about it here

So, that probably would have been more helpful early on but here you go! Unfortunately, this is not the last of it. The icky thing is that we are supposed to isolate them throughout each RSV season - every year - through their 2nd birthday. I don't know what that is really going to look like because their birthday is DURING RSV season. We'll see.

I can't think that far ahead.

Summer's coming and I won't have to think about this again for a few months - until the next RSV season starts.

Thanks to those of you who have educated yourselves and SUPPORTED us through this season of isolation. Its been tough - especially in the beginning as I had to turn away lots of help because they were in the high risk category. Man, that was a bummer!
I am grateful that the babies have remained healthy and please pray with me that they continue to stay healthy!!!