Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Happy Birth Day, Cassidy!

Happy Birth Day, Cassidy!
There will definitely be a more detailed post later but here are photos from the day Cassidy was born and from the days I spent in the hospital!
Here we are just before leaving for the hospital.  I was NOT looking forward to surgery, I have to admit.
Looking sexy in Triage.  I had an enema shortly after this photo was taken.  Oh yeah, baby.
Big baby girl! 
Cassidy Makenna Spayth
9lbs 2.5 oz
22.5 inches long
(modesty patch in place, of course)
Meeting our baby girl
Already wide eyed!
The kids meeting Cassidy for the first time!

I ALMOST didn't post this AWFUL photo of myself because the post-surgery swelling was just terrible.  But, I keeps it real, folks.
First shot together as a family.  I felt horrible.
Being wheeled out WITH a baby for the first time.  Amazing feeling :)
Thank God we kept a carseat from the triplets!

More to come VERY SOON!  There's so much to share!


cat said...

Congratulations once again. She is beautiful.

Stephanie said...

She is so darn precious!!
So glad you were able to bring her home with you and get to experience that!!
Praying for you girl! I know you have your hands FULL!!
Post again soon when you can! You know we all cant wait to hear more!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I've been checking daily for a "picture post". It is amazing how even in her first moments your little one looked exactly like your others.

Hope you all are doing well and if possible getting a little rest.

Hilary said...

OMG Cassidy is just sooooo cute!!!

Stacey said...

She's gorgeous just like her big siblings! Congrats once again. =o)