Thursday, December 31, 2009

better and then worse and then better and then worse again...still no answers

better and then worse and then better and then worse again...still no answers

I am so sorry it has taken so long for me to update you. I have been mostly on Facebook as it is easier and faster. I don't know where to time for too many details actually. Brian was in the hospital a couple of days and then released Christmas eve. Lots of tests (CT scan, MRI, attempted Lumbar Puncture, echocardiogram, etc..) TIA (transient ischemic attack) was the thinking, although there was no diagnosis (TIA's are hard to diagnose). A few days later he was back in the ER with intense head pain and nausea/vomiting etc. The next day doc gave him vicodin for pain and nausea meds. Today he had another episode and was not able to keep down the vicodin and nausea meds due to the intense vomiting. I have never seen him like this. He is now at UCLA medical center ER with his sister (I am with the kids) and is waiting waiting waiting. We are exhausted and confused and frustrated. I'll update when I know more.