Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Birth Control Via Video

Birth Control Via Video

My head is pounding from today's opthalmologist appointment. Eighteen month old triplets, two days in a row of doctor's appointments...where is my drink???
Their eyes are fine BTW.
I forgot to share some video from yesterday's appointment with the pediatrician. This video was taken about 2.5 seconds before my blood pressure reached an all time high and I burst into flames.

Forget the whole controversy about birth control vs. abstinence education. Just show high school kids videos like this.
Unfortunately my cameraphone can only take up to 30 seconds at a time. Otherwise you would have seen that right after this my brain melted and oozed out of my ears.

P.S. If you are having problems viewing this video, here's the link to it on Flickr (Click Here).