After we dropped the babies off on Friday night, our friend Jenny took us out to dinner. I ate too much! But we had a great time with Jenny and she got to get a peek at the babies before we dropped them off. Of course, I wanted to go get them later on in the night. I missed them so much!
On Saturday we ran some errands and then Brian took me to Color Me Mine. I keep wanting to call it Color Me Badd. Hardly the same thing, but its what stuck in my head. Of course, awful music from the early nineties was playing in my head the entire time we were there. Anyhow, I painted a bowl and I get to pick it up on Saturday. I don't have high hopes...I am NOT artistic in any way. But it was so relaxing to just sit there and paint away. I really enjoyed it and am looking forward to going again sometime!
We were invited to a BBQ on Sunday, so we packed the babies and went to the park! It was a really beautiful day!
If you're thinking, "WOW, you look tired." you would be correct. I was exhausted from staying up too late with SOMEONE. I got probably about three hours sleep - like the old days! Lesson learned.
Back to the pictures! Brian's Mom gave us her camera. Its really awesome. Its horrible that she can't use it anymore. I am so grateful that she decided to give it to us. I have to learn how to use it so I can take really good pictures of the babies so she can still somehow still enjoy the camera.
Mandi, Nena & Emma lovin' on the boys Zachary absolutely loved his new girlfriend, Nena. He was so relaxed on her lap.
Jackson having fun and showing off his cute!
Beth with Alexis Pretty girl laying on the blanket
She was NOT happy about skipping her nap
Fran & Alexis
Daniel & Brian with Jackson & Alexis
How cute is Brian with Jackson?
Daddy with his baby girl
He's so sweet with her
It was a good weekend!
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