Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Keep praying

Alexis has a staph infection. They put her on a respirator this morning because she kept having huge dips in her breathing and O2 saturation that were more than the apnea spells from before. These big dips are horrifying to watch because her body turns color and goes limp. Although having my baby on a respirator is horrible, I hope that since she is using less energy to breathe on her own she can use the energy to fight this infection. The doctor is doing a lumbar puncture/spinal tap later today to obtain spinal fluid to see if this has moved to her brain.
I feel like I can't breathe. I feel so helpless and I hate that we can't do anything. I can't even touch my baby. I don't want to eat or do anything else, but I have to eat so I can continue to pump milk for my babies. Please keep praying.
